Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Kayla's Update 3-14-07

Well, it has been a while since I've updated anything, and I apologize for that. Kayla is still in her treatments every two weeks or so.

She's currently back in Little Rock recovering from her second round of treatments. The doctor told them that it's pretty much a wait game. She goes to get her treatment and then they wait for her to acquire a fever, in which case, they put her in the hospital to get antibiotics. This second round has been a little rougher on her than the last time, but she's making it. I've been telling her to keep her head up and push on. Thank you to everyone who has written and checked in on her, it really does mean a lot.

I really have nothing else to report, just to keep praying for her, she's got two treatments down and two more to go and then she'll move to six month checkup's. Till next time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kayla! Hang in there, and like your cousin Chris said, keep your chin up. We know it might seem like this will never end, and for sure we don't pretent to know how hard it is or what you are going through, but we can say that we care about you and your family, that we love you!

Jody & Karen McFadden