She will go back on Thursday to see the doctor and possibly start her remediation treatments. This will be where she 'll go back to the hospital for a minimal of two weeks and get a preventative chemo treatment and then be off for two weeks. She's ready to get back and get things started. The sooner she gets the remediation treatments started, the sooner they'll be over. She has been very upbeat and very positive throughout this whole experience, we can't be anything but completely thankful for that. I truly believe that the positive thinking and attitudes have been a huge factor in her getting better.
I know this has been a very draining on John and Connie, so please keep them in your prayers as well as Kayla. Well, that is about all I have, I did want to include something that Kayla wrote for her friends on facebook, so I'll close this out with that. Thanks again to everyone for all you have done for my cousin during all this, I am amazed everyday at the outpouring of love and prayers that everyone has shown. Have a good week, and more updates to come later.
Kayla Wilson (Arkansas State) wrote
at 9:28am on January 17th, 2007
at 9:28am on January 17th, 2007
Hi everybody I just wanted to let all of you know that I am going home today! I will be coming back in the next week or so to see my doctor and probably start my first considlation treatment. Thanks to everyone for all the prayers, calls, and visits...please keep them coming I still have a long road ahead of me.

1 comment:
Kayla, it's really great to see you doing this well. Hang in there!
Jody & Karen McFadden
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