Sunday, January 7, 2007

Kayla's Update 1-7-07

Well, we went to see Kayla last night and here's the latest. She wasn't having a very good day and wasn't feeling very well. She slept most of the day and I'm not sure that she got up and walked any. They did give her some blood, which seemed to make her feel better, so we got a chance to laugh and talk some.

As of this morning, they've learned that she has acquired some sort of infection and has been put into isolation. John and Connie have requested that there not be any visitors for the next couple of days due to this recent development. She will be fine, and everything looks to be OK, but they don't want to take any chances. Feel free to give them a call, her room number is 501-614-2675, I know they love getting the phone calls. I'll post more later when I get a few more details, but I wanted everyone to be aware of what was going on this morning.

Feel free to leave Kayla some comments here by clicking on the comments button. You'll have to leaven an anonymous comment, but you can put your name in the comment if you would like. That's just something about this blog. If you have any questions about Kayla or what's going on, feel free to click the e-mail button and send me an e-mail. I'll do my best to get you an answer right away. OK, that's it for now, more to come later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kayla, just wanted you to know that we think about you all the time and are praying for you every day. Hang in there.

With love

Jody and Karen McFadden